Once on this island promo image


With its poignant story and catchy Caribbean-flavored score, Once on This Island JR. is a highly original theatrical adaptation of Hans Christian Andersen’s popular fairy tale, The Little Mermaid, and the Tony-nominated Broadway musical by the legendary writing team, Ahrens and Flaherty.

Through almost non-stop song and dance, this full-hearted musical tells the story of Ti Moune, a peasant girl who rescues and falls in love with Daniel, a wealthy boy from the other side of her island. When Daniel is returned to his people, the fantastical gods who rule the island, guide Ti Moune on a quest that will test the strength of her love against the powerful forces of prejudice, hatred, and even death.

Music By

Book and Lyrics


Alicia An | Ava Guyton | Benjamin Cumberpatch | Brooke Wright | Carla Ladstaetter | Chelsea Gallagher | Daniel Malthus

Emellie Caird McCormick | Emily Herd | Erik Misnyovszki | Eva Thompson | Julia Chapman | Julia Nguyen | Katya Atlas | Leilani Kalaut

Maddie Winfield | Maggie Pugh | Olivia Holden | Penelope Hay | Ruby Wilson | Ryan McCallum | Sovarne Peck | Wilde Dean Brabazon Flemming


Ticket Give Away to our Local Schools

For every 10 tickets nominated to a performer, OMT will give away 2 tickets to a school of their choice

Ovation Musical Theatre aims to support our local communities and you can be a part of this too.

Your tickets purchase counts towards complimentary tickets to a school of our performer’s choice.

Please nominate one of our performers to see them reach their goal and help us toward our goal of community inclusion in performing arts in Christchurch.